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What do I do?

I'm a working screenwriter and experienced script development professional based in London. I also write and design treatments (for hire).

Do I have an agent?

Yes. I'm represented by Michael McCoy at Independent Talent.


What sort of thing do I write?

People tend to say some version of 'stay in your lane', pick a genre, specialise... I don't know how to do this. I write for both film and TV, across drama and comedy-drama. I've written both originals and adaptations, of fiction and non-fiction. I've researched and written real-life stories dramatising (for example) the final years of George Orwell, and counter-revolutionary death squads in apartheid-era South Africa. I've scripted more grounded stories about London medical students and Scottish firefighters. But I've also written more genre-driven fictions about teenage ghosts, aristocratic vampires, parasitic aliens, and reptilian shapeshifters... I'm interested in satire, particularly in the context of the 'culture wars' and the bin-fire that is British politics. I like my genre elevated, whether horror, sci fi, or detective mystery... I'm hopelessly addicted to the extraordinary creative possibilities of this medium. So no, I don't have a lane.

What have I done previously?


With a bedrock of experience in production, I studied script development with the National Film & Television School and have worked in development roles for BBC Drama Production, Bandit Television, Far Moor Media, and most recently as a development executive for 87 Films. In 2016, whilst script editing on Tang dynasty detective series JUDGE DEE'S MYSTERY (based on the classic novels by Robert van Gulik), I was commissioned to devise and write an original 1-hour episode, ‘The Bath House Murder’. After several years and further development under the stewardship of Chinese creatives, the series was released internationally on Netflix in 2024.


My spec script THE LAST MAN IN EUROPE – a feature-length drama about the last years of George Orwell and the writing of Nineteen Eighty-Four – was picked up by BAFTA-winning producer Hilary Salmon through The Lighthouse Film & Television (SCOOP). In 2021 TLMIE was named on The Brit List, celebrating the best unproduced film & TV scripts in the UK, compiled annually from industry recommendations.


I currently have a number of film and TV projects in various stages of funded development, including contemporary murder mystery SLEEPING LIONScommissioned by Sky Cinema and slated for production later this year.


For screenwriting enquiries please contact my agent at Independent Talent, or message directly using the form below:

Thanks for submitting!

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c/o Michael McCoy

Independent Talent Group Ltd
40 Whitfield Street, London W1T 2RH

tel: +44 (0)20 7636 6565

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